WEnnovate focuses on contributing to the energy transition towards a green, sustainable, and locally powered energy system in the EU. By involving stakeholders from big corporations to  small start-ups, public authorities, academia and civil society, we are developing action plans to strengthen innovation ecosystems for deep tech and digital innovations in the energy sectors in the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine.

What issues are we working to resolve?

The energy transition requires collective action and a systemic approach at the European level. To facilitate the development of innovation and maximise its impact, we need a systemic transformation that involves diverse actors, institutions and geographies. This also entails promoting cross-border exchange of best practices across the EU and Associated Countries. 

For innovation cohesion, it is crucial to tackle the problem of unequal access for innovative energy entrepreneurs to markets, grid infrastructure, and financial support. Such an ambition requires changing regulatory and policy frameworks and fostering social and organisational innovation. This multifaceted approach aims to tackle the systemic challenges hindering progress in the energy sector and pave the way for a more sustainable and inclusive energy future.

The project aims to strengthen the pathways towards Clean Energy for All Europeans and boost Local Energy Communities and Energy Sharing. It also aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic objectives of the New European Innovation Agenda.

What is WEnnovate’s approach?

The project involves exploratory and co-creation phases. During the first phase, we conduct research on deep tech and digital innovation ecosystems within the energy sectors of the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine. All research findings are verified by the energy industry experts to ensure they are accurate and remain relevant to the ever-changing agenda.

During the second stage, we collaboratively design and develop national action plans for the four participating countries, alongside a joint long-term programme. This involves engaging diverse stakeholders in ongoing dialogue and hosting both in-person and online meetings on the national and international levels. The broad geographic scope and diversity of the consortium members facilitate extensive engagement with innovation ecosystem actors. WEnnovate pays special attention to working with underrepresented groups, including female entrepreneurs, rural stakeholders, individuals affected by energy poverty, and others.

What could your role be?

We welcome all people working or interested in the energy transition to join our dialogue at both Dutch and EU levels. Your participation in our events allows you to actively contribute to shaping the future of the energy sector.

Join our stakeholder network to get updates about the project progress and invitations to the events.

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